Let’s make transportation more efficient and lower impact on the environment!
Looking for the perfect load manually is time consuming and inefficient. Spedlite automates this process, so that you can focus on what really matters.
Spedlite aggregates data from top load providers: BnsfLogistics, Knightlogistics, EchoDrive, NavisphereCarrier, Rhinovision and more.
Spedlite AI assistant takes into account many data points to offer best internal load assignments to maximise fleet efficiency and minimize empty miles. Planning ahead for dispatchers becomes fast and easy.
We understand that every penny counts. With Spedlite, paid integrations like toll and fuel tracking are completely free. No hidden fees, no surprises.
Spedlite is built to make you more efficient every day. We made adoption and integration easy for you, by keeping the interface simple and clean.
Love it from the first sight or get a free trial!
Flexible plans that grow with you
For small entrepreneurs with up to 5 trucks
For growing businesses with up to 20 trucks
Unlimited features to support large-scale operations
Flow and transparency of information in logistics business are key. Spedlite dispatch board is a fantastic tool. It helps the whole team to promptly coordinate and share data with each other. Easy access to reports at our fingertips gives us the possibility to make swift business decisions. We couldn’t imagine our operations without Spedlite.
Working with Spedlite is much easier than with anything else we have used before. It has very easy access, convenient to see all the dispatchers working in one place with quite a few statistics for performance comparison. We love automatic count of miles, total and average gross revenues. It is much easier to track and control employee performance.
Are you interested but would still like to see how it would work for you?